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DAS Version 3.07.0156 Release Note

1. New launcher for DAS The start DAS menu is changed.

- You can use auto editing for single part and assembly drawing in Shop menu and GA drawing will be find Erection menu.

- You can select unit and language in option menu and you will be found information about other tools in this release note.

- Tips) If you want to fix the new DAS menu that is changed, Please input [Alt+Enter] key in your system, It will be fixed on the top windows, Cancel is again [Alt+Enter] key.

2. Single part / Add new set for create working line of brace gusset plate. You can select to create working line for gusset plate with bevel part.

[ The setting for properties in Dimension Tab ]

You can select to Yes or No for creation working line when you edit on single part.

- No = There is not creating working line.

- Yes = There is creating working line.

- Working line is creating line that is refer to reference line for bevel neighbor part in gusset plate in singlepart drawing.

[ Sample single part drawing with working line ]

3. Assembly / Add new set for create working line of brace gusset plate. You can select to create working line for gusset plate with bevel part.

[ The setting for properties in Dimension Tab ]

You can select to Yes or No for creation working line when you edit on Assembly.

- No = There is not creating working line.

- Yes = There is creating working line.

- Working line is creating line that is refer to reference line for bevel neighbor part in gusset plate in Assembly drawing.

[ Sample assembly drawing with working line ]

4. Single part / Improve option for Mark visibility.

You can control visibility option for part and bolt mark.

[ The setting for Mark ]

[ Mark / Option 설정 ]

1) Part mark

- Views are classified into General view that is Top, Front, Bottom and Back view and section view. So you can control create or not when you select to check boxes.

- All part mark on Top view : It will be created part mark on Top and Bottom view.

- All part mark on Front view : It will be created part mark on Front and Back view.

- All part mark on Section view : It will be created part mark on section view.

- All check off this setting when you don’t want to create part mark on drawing.

2) Bolt mark

- Hole diameter : It is not to create bolt mark only one as per user input diameter.

- Not visible : It is not to create all bolt mark.

5. Assembly / Improve option for Mark visibility You can control visibility option for part and bolt mark

[ The setting for Mark ]

1) Part mark visibility option

- Views are classified into General view that is Top, Front, Bottom and Back view and section view. So you can control create or not when you select to check boxes.

a. In all view creation - All part mark on Top view : It will be created part mark on top and bottom view.

- All part mark on Front view : It will be created part mark on front and back view.

b. Use DAS creation - Web part mark on Top view : Part mark that is located on web will be created part mark on

top and bottom view.

- Web part mark on Front view : Part mark that is located on web will be created part mark

on front and back view.

c. Section view - All part mark on Section view : It will be created part mark on section view.

d. Option - Merge marks : You have only one part mark for similar parts in a drawing, instead of a

separate mark for each of them.

2) Bolt mark visibility option

- Bolt mark creations are classified into Tekla bolt and DAS bolt, So you cancontrol create or

not when you select to check box and input hole diameter.

a. Visibility of Tekla Bolt mark

- Site Bolt hole Dia. : It is not to create site bolt mark only one as per Input diameter when

you selected to Tekla bolt.

- Shop Bolt hole Dia. : It is not to create workshop bolt mark only on as per input diameter

when you selected to Tekla bolt.

- Not visible : all bolt mark will be not show when you select Not visible.

b. Visibility of DAS Bolt mark - Primary Bolt hole Dia. : It is not to create Primary bolt mark only on as per input diameter

when you selected To DAS bolt.

- Secondary Bolt hole Dia. : It is not to create secondary bolt mark only on as per input

diameter when you selected to DAS bolt

- Not visible : all bolt mark will be not show when you select Not visible.

c. Caution It is not to apply not visible function when you use custom set in slot hole mark.

6. Assembly / Add new set for Grid activation The new Grid label setting are classified into Visible as DAS and Visible as TEKLA.

1) Visible as DAS Grid label showing only If grid line crosses main part reference point.

2) Visible as TEKLA All grid label showing if grid line in the view area.

7. Assembly / Add new dimension type for Grid Grid dimension add new dimension type for grid dimension that is refer to “Visible as TEKLA”

in Grid settings.

- This grid dimension is connected grid labels if more than two grid label in view.

- This grid dimension is connected gird and reference point of main part if only one grid label in view.

8. Assembly / Add new set point for MainPart Overall dimension Add new set the point when you edit dimension point for MainPart overall dimension.

[ Dimension Properties ]

1) Use Reference point : No

(It will not be used point for reference point of mainpart overall dimension.)

2) Use Reference point : Yes

(It will be used point for reference point of mainpart overall dimension.)

3) End point : Assembly (Using for end of Assembly area.)

4) End point : Mainpart (Using for end of Mainpart.)

5) End point : DAS (Using for end point that is defined in DAS.)

9. Tools / Add new function that is View position arrange in Section Manager This function will be arranged all section view automatically.

You can select symbol that is indicated right side when you want to arrange Section view form left

side to right side in the edit drawing.

You can select symbol that is indicated below side when you want to arrange Section view form top

side to bottom side in the edit drawing.

Also you can define the gap for distance of view and view.

- How to use… 1) Please select view that need to arrange in drawings.

2) Select the symbol and define the gap as you want.

3) Run Arrange in section manager.

4) Move to drawing view and select pick point that is start arranged view.

5) Section view will be arranged automatically.

10. Tools / Add new function that is Create 3d View It can be check 3d view for selected part in edit drawing.

- How to use… and notice 1) You can select part for creating 3d view while you are editing the drawings.

2) It will be opened the 3d view as you selected part.

3) You can control view properties in standard.mvi file.

4) View name is only one “DAS_VIEW” used and there is not to create multi views.

11. Tools / Add new function that is Create Cut Line You can create cut line easily when your part is showing partial of part in the view.

- How to use… and notice 1) Click the Create Cut Line button.

2) Select the symbol type.

3) Select the line color and line type.

4) Define the size that is 2 types symbol for select to part and select to view.

5) Select the part or view.

6) Click “Create” to create cut line.

7) It will be deleted all create cut line when you click Delete button.

8) If you want to create cut line for shortening area select check “Insert Shortening area”.

9) Sample

12. Tools / Add new function that is Edit UDA Some User-defined attribute item should be modified in model, but you can modify some

attributes on single part and assembly drawing through Edit UDA function.

- How to use… and notice 1) Click the Edit UDA button.

2) You can check information that is part mark, name, profile and finish while opening the

singlepart or assembly drawing, also you can modify attribute that is comment, user field1,

user field2, user field3 and user field4 on the drawings when you input data and select

modify button.

3) When you check “All same part mark modified” with modify UDA, It will be changed

all same part mark in a model.

4) This function is required special attention because changing data in a model.

5) You might be numbering again If this some attribute has an effect on numbering.

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