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DAS Version 3.07.0154 Release Note

1. Assembly - Dimension – Add new set Weld part dimension.

- Add new set point for plate dimension where is located in web parallel with main part.

- User can set “Up” & “Down” point and default value is “Down”

2. Assembly - Dimension type option – Add new dimensions

1) Beam / Main part / Frontview / “Circular Opening Horizontal”

2) Beam / Main part / Frontview / “Circular Opening Vertical”

3) Beam / Main part / Frontview / “Default Plate Horizontal”

4) Bevel Bema /Main part / Frontview / “Circular Opening Horizontal”

5) Bevel Beam / Main part / Frontview / “Circular Opening Vertical”

6) Bevel Beam / Main part / Frontview / “Default Plate Horizontal”

7) Column / Main part / Frontview / “Circular Opening Horizontal”

8) Column / Main part / Frontview / “Circular Opening Vertical”

** Note When added to the dimension type option in DAS update, User need to use “Reset” and check

dimension type option for normal edit works.

3. Assembly - Dimension type option – Add new set Normal Bracket dimension Point. - Add new set dimension point for “Normal Bracket” horizontal dimension in “Beam”,

“BevelBeam” & “Column” and this set is not support add, remove, up & down functions.

1) Point To Point dimension (Top view)

2) MainpartOverall dimension (Top view)

3) Primary Hole Horizontal (Top view)

4) Available Normal Bracket top view dimension point list Point1 : Reference point of Bracket reference point on near Main part Point2 : First cross point of bracket reference line and main part Point3 : Opposite point of point 1 of bracket. Point4 : All hole dimension point on the bracket flange. Point5 : Cross point of mainpart reference line and bracket reference line.

5) Point To Point dimension (Front view)

6) MainpartOverall dimension (Front view)

7) Primary Hole Horizontal dimension (Front view)

8) Available Normal Bracket Front view dimension point list Point1 : Reference point of Bracket reference point on near Main part. Point2 : First cross point of bracket reference line and main part. Point3 : Opposite point of point 1 of bracket. Point4 : All hole dimension point on the bracket web. Point5 : Cross point of mainpart reference line and bracket reference line.

** Note This function can be set dimension point only. User can’t set name, view, direction and

type in Normal Bracket.

4. Assembly / Mark / Add new set content type for Bolt Mark - Create Bolt mark as per setting “DAS” or “tekla” Bolt..

1) When user select “DAS bolt”, It will be create bolt mark as per properties with primary

and secondary. - Primary bolt

Create bolt mark for yellow color, when user create bolt part in model. - Secondary bolt

Create bolt mark for red color or activate part, when user create bolt part in model.

2) When user select “tekla bolt”, It will be create bolt mark as per properties with site

and workshop. - Sitebolt

Create bolt mark for site type, when user create bolt part in model. - Shopbolt

Create bolt mark for Workshop type, when user create bolt part in model.

5. Assembly / Section / Add new setting item in Create filter - Add new setting “Class” in create filter, It is considered class item when you make a

create filter.

- That was created section refer to “Prefix” & “Profile”, class item add for creation from

this version.

6. Erection / Part prefix / Add select menu in Reset - When user setting for part prefix, Add new select menu in “Reset” that is select steel

properties and attribute.

Setting as follows :

- Steel properties(It kind of created part in 3D model.) 1) Beam properties

It is call up data for prefix and part name of beam properties and Column properties,

And define dimension part name.

2) PolyBeam properties

It is call up data for prefix and part name of Polybeam properties, And define dimension

part name. It’s a create part with reference point more than 3 point using.

3) Contour Plate properties

It is call up data for prefix and Part name of contour plate proeperties, And define

dimension part name.

- Attributes 1) prefix

Select the prefix and make a list include part prefix. 2) Name

Select the part name and make a list include part name.

** Note If you want to keep settings and update mode data select to “ReLoad”. It will be deleted

settings data when you select to “Reset”

7. Erection / Main Plan-Part representation / Add new set Hbrace down properties - Add new set “Hbrace Down” properties in main plan part-representation settings.

1) When you select check on for Hbrace down, It will be made a part mark with down value for

Horizontal brace item automatically, and you can set how to appear contents.

2) Hbrace Down Properties a. Compare level - Top level of Main part

It will be show down level which compare with working level of Main plane and top level

of horizontal brace part. - Top level of Reference point

It will be show down level which compare with working level of Main plane and top level

of reference point of horizontal brace part.

b. Text - Start text : It will be show the text which user entered text with before the Down value. - Endtext : It will be show the text which user entered text with next the Down value. - Color : User define color when create make with “Hbrace Down”. - Height : User define size for text when create mark with “Hbrace Down”. - Font : User define font style when create mark with “Hbrace Down”.

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